Thank You

There are seasons in nature. Time when nature rests, time when it blooms, time when it dies...

The same is with us humans...

After a long contemplation, we decided not to renew the rent on our garden plot in 2024. It was not an easy decision, but a realistical and honest one. We had a blast these two years of cultivating the land. We learned a lot, met a lot of new people, and enjoyed the beautiful nature. But, if we are honest, we also struggled - the garden is far from our apartment, with our work schedules we didn't manage to cultivate everything, we didn't have enough time and energy, and were constantly behind, weeds growing quicker than we can clean, and we were tired. With the demands of our growing family and my recent change of job, we realized that we will probably have even less time and energy for the garden in the near future.

So we informed the president of the association with our decision and reasons, so in that way some other family can get a chance to cultivate the land. Our gardening story is done - FOR NOW. We still want to continue gardening in the future, but in a different way. For example, we want to have a garden next to the place where we live, not 15 minutes away. We also need to start smaller, we just didn't manage to create a system that would be sustaining for our lives.

It was a MASSIVE life experience and life lesson. Now we know better what we are capable of, and what to do in the future. We went to pick up our tools couple of days ago. As we were walking, I felt how this place became a part of our family. I felt strong emotions, nostalgia, but also happiness. This garden was here when we needed it. So THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU our garden, thank you for being a part of our life for a moment.
